The Flat Streets of San Francisco by Dan Ng

Have you ever wondreed what San Francisco would look like with flat streets? Dan Ng's fabulous series does just that. People and building appear to be in a strange and disoriented state. It's a fun and whimsical portrayal of city that is known for it's steep but wonderful hills.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

When My Baby Dreams Great Fan Art Competition

The creator behind the wonderful Mila's Daydreams hosted a wonderful fan art competition. These wonderfully creative scenes were chosen as the finalists for the competition, but there were a ton of great submissions. Check out the Mila's Daydreams Facebook page to keep up to date with Mila's adventures.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Light Hearted Photography by nikki.jane

Some beautiful light hearted photography by nikki.jane of Flickr. The shots were taken 2008-2009 when she was around 16 years old. Love the jumping shots and silhouettes.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Jobs for Babies by MondayMonday

An adorable series of photos by Malo aka MondayMonday featuring babies dressed up in possible future occupations. The series features costumes ranging from a Luchador to the Pope. Reminds me of the adorable Mila's Daydreams.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Building New York City's Bridges by Eugene de Salignac

Up until fairly recently, even Eugene de Salignac's own family did not know much about him. The family received a call from the Municipal Archives of the City of New York and discovered Eugene was the photographer of thousands of images. While he worked for the Department of Bridges, De Salignac shot the construction of the Manhattan and Queensboro Bridges  among other things. This is just a small record of some of his magnificent photos. If you like these, you can get a book of his photos on Amazon.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Signs of Spring: 2012 by The Big Picture

As expected, The Big Picture provides us with an amazing photo series. This one celebrates the start of Spring 2012. Visit the article to see more great photos and captions explaining them.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Bloom Day Scans by Craig Cramer

Craig Cramer's Bloom Day Scans are a thing of beauty. Almost every month, Craig scans flowers in bloom. His scans produce a wonderful look at which flowers bloom throughout the year. I love how the colorful flowers are offset by a black background, creating amazing contrast. If you like these photos, feel free to buy his Bloom Day Scans 2012 calendar on Zazzle.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Double Vision (Double Exposure Series) by Lisa Bamford

Awesome double exposure series by Lisa Bamford. Her use of double exposure makes recognizable buildings and monuments much more interesting. The best part is, the shots are all done in camera. 

"I enjoy taking photographs because of the enormous creative scope it provides. I am generally attracted to simplicity in either subject or composition, which is down to my background and job as a graphic designer. I see the structure of photographs in the same way as I do a layout, and I like them to be easy to read. I'm also a bit of a magpie and so take inspiration from all sorts of styles of photography, and so will shoot different subjects in different ways. I'd get bored to tears if I had to design the same thing everyday and that translates to what I point my camera at.


I generally choose my travel destinations based on places I think will be photogenic as that's what I enjoy doing most while I'm away. I find making double exposures an effective way of producing interesting images of buildings or monuments that have been endlessly photographed. It also appeals to me as the images often look quite graphic and hopefully not like the usual tourist snap."

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Back To Childhood by Julien Mauve

Wonderful photography series by Julien Mauve.

"A few months ago, I was hanging around in my grandparent's attic. What I found among other things was a box full of toys I used to play with as a child. Each of them reminded me of a particular moment of my childhood and I felt emotionally connected to them. 

Instead of storing them back into their box, I tried to imagine what they could look like in our adult world. Going further than their power to generate nostalgia, toys offer those who animate them a marvelous power to reinvent the world."

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Billions (Hong Kong Reflections) by Ward Roberts

In his series Billions, Ward Roberts captures the city of Hong Kong through amazing use of reflections. These reflections create a fantastic mixture of shapes, colors, and infinite dimensions. It feels like you are peering into a not so distant future.

Reminds me of Reconstructed Works by Pep Ventosa and Photograph Time! by Michael Wesely.

Average: 4 (1 vote)


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