Stefan Georgi is a German Art Director living in New York City. His Flickr stream features thousands of shots of the city that never sleeps and many of them are quite spectacular. Here is just a small sampling of his photos.
Richard Avedon was an iconic photographer whose most famous works were shot for Harper's Bazaar, Vogue, and Life. An obituary published in The New York Times said that "his fashion and portrait photographs helped define America's image of style, beauty and culture for the last half-century."
Zena Holloway specializes in underwater photography. These photos are just a small sampling of her awe-inspiring work. I love the poses and the way the dresses flow underwater. Be sure to check out more of her work on her portfolio. If you like this you will also like Behind the Surface by Nadia Moro.
A picture I took of some turtles hanging out at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago.
I absolutely love Bryan Soderlind's photo series of the abandoned Six Flags in New Orleans.
"Six Flags of New Orleans was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and has sat abandoned ever since. The park sits closed waiting for a demolition date that has yet to be determined. On a November road trip I did with the Fox wake crew, we snuck into the park with a winch to get some wakeskating photos. We had this post apocalyptic environment to ourselves for the whole day. I couldn’t stop taking pictures in this surreal setting which featured rusty old roller coasters, stuffed animals strewn about, and gator infested ponds. After speaking with some locals that evening about our day we found out we were extremely lucky as people who trespass there are regularly arrested. I had a better time that day in a closed theme park than I have ever had at an open one."
You should definitely check out all the other photo series by Soderlind on his journal. They are all spectacular. As a fellow Orlando resident, I especially appreciate the one entitled Orange Blossom Trail, which is just down the road from me.
Some beautiful photos of Siberian tigers in Seoul, Korea shot by Bobby McLeod.
Shinichi Maruyama specializes in high speed liquid photography. He captures different liquids in motion to create some dynamic and interesting photos. His popular Kusho (Writing in the Sky) series involves capturing caligraphy ink flying in mid-air.
Caren Alpert makes a living taking recognizable photos of food. This led to her interest in showing the landscapes, patterns, and textures of different foods. Her intention was to create a completely new response to food from her viewers, and it sure has.
"Photographs taken with electron microscopes have seized my interest because of their mystery and simultaneous familiarity. This medium deconstructs, abstracts, and reveals the ordinary in a riveting way. The closer the lens got, the more I saw food - and consumers of food - as part of a larger eco-system.
There's so much rhetoric in our culture around food: food science, food journalism, food history, and food how-to. It is my hope that these photographs might transform our food obsession into a newfound closeness with what nourishes us."
Make sure to check out the rest of her awesome food closeups at her web gallery.
Love this video by Samuel Ebat shot over the course of Summer 2011.
Song is "Stay Close" by Delorean (RAC Remix).
In this series, Mina Sarenac photographs women floating in mid-air. Their dresses give in to the force of gravity while they continue their effortless journeys. It feels like a combination of Sleep Elevations by Maia Flore and Levitation Photos by Natsumi Hayashi.