London in Puddles by Gavin Hammond

This is an amazing series of lomography photos by Gavin Hammond. It features black and white reflections of London's architecture, landmarks and people. It's definitely a unique and beautiful look at London. As if being a great photographer weren't enough, Hammond also happens to be the songwriter/producer of the electro pop group Sweet Tooth.

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Alina and Sebi's Wedding by Ostafi Photography

You can often tell how much a bride and groom love each other by their wedding photos. This is especially true of Alina and Sebi. Ostafi Photography shot this beautiful wedding series at a castle near Vienna and captured many wonderful moments of the couple. Some shots are fun, and some shots are serious, but they all draw you in and make you feel like you were a part of the wedding. If you like these shots, I definitely recommend checking out the rest.

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Behind the Scenes of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes

Stars Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is often considered one of the greatest movies ever made. This series of photos gives us an intimate look at what it was like on the set of the movie. The movie was not only great, but it looks like the cast had a great time making it.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ring of Fire Annular Eclipse 2012

On Sunday, May 20, 2012, there was an annular solar eclipse. This occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and Sun, but the Moon's diameter appears smaller than the Sun. This creates a ring that is also known as the Ring of Fire. Here are some of the great pictures from the event. 

Average: 4 (1 vote)

The Beautiful Shapes of Paris by Philipp Klinger

Philipp Klinger has an eye for beautiful lines, shapes and patterns. In this series, he captures one of the most iconic cities in the world: Paris, France, and does it great justice. Instead of taking conventional shots of the city, Philipp goes out and captures the things you might never notice.

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Supermoon 2012 on The Big Picture

If you looked up into the night sky on Sat. May 5th, you may have noticed the perigee moon aka "Supermoon". The once a year event occurs when the moon is closest to Earth, and is magnified when there is a full moon. If you didn't catch it, The Big Picture has you covered with this awesome set. Visit the article for more details on each photo.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Cinemascapes by Brandt Campbell

Brandt Campbell's cinemascape photos look like they were pulled straight from a movie scene. Each one invokes a sense of narative which is open to the viewer's interpretation. 

Average: 4 (1 vote)

On the Set of Mad Men by James Minchin III

James Minchin III gives us a fantastic behind the scenes look of the Emmy-award winning Mad Men. He explores everything from sets, to props, to on and off the camera shots of characters. It truly shows what a great job the the crew has done to bring the 1950's-60's back to life.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Mesmerizing Light Paintings by Wes Whaley

Wes Whaley's light art is truly mesmerizing. His photos are filled with different shapes, patterns and colors that draw you in. The best part, his shots are all created in camera without the use of Photoshop. Check out his Flickr to see a ton more images.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Refractions (Water Drop Shots) by Markus Reugels

Photographer Markus Reugels creates these amazing water drop shots using a handmade custom wood rig. Everything from the viscosity to the temperature of the water can affect the shot. He often spends hundreds of hours trying to capture the perfect image. In my opinion, they are worth the effort! 

Average: 5 (1 vote)


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