Adorable/Awesome Dog Costumes

You may have seen a lot of cool Halloween costumes this year, but what about dog costumes? In honor Halloween, I present you with this adorable set of dog costumes!

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Extraordinary Photos of Ordinary Things by Murat Germen

Murat Germen is a professor of art, photography, and new media at Sabanci University in Instanbul, Turkey. His work focuses on finding things people ignore and presenting them in an interesting light. Germen claims "It is easy to take ordinary photos of extraordinary things but more challenging to take extraordinary photos of ordinary things." Judging by his photos, I tend to agree. He distorts ordinary shots of cities and creates images that are completely unqiue yet familiar.

Average: 3 (1 vote)

The Unseen Beauty of The National Theatre in Belgrade Ballet by Dina Johnsen

The Unseen Beauty is a wonderful project by Dina Johnsen that provides a backstage look of the 2011 ballet season for The National Theatre in Belgrade. Here's a small glimpse of some of her shots from the book. Unfortunately, the book is not for sale. It was meant as a gift to The National Theatre in Belgrade.

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Hayden Panettiere at Oktoberfest

Is there anything more beautiful than Hayden Panettiere in a dirndl? I have my doubts. Here a few shots of the beautiful starlet at Oktoberfest. If that's not enough, check out this Reddit group dedicated to dirndls. The internet sure is awesome!

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Angel Baby Wedding Photos

A beautiful Asian bride adorned in her wedding gown.

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Wonderous Portraits by Miki Takahashi

Miki Takahashi's portraits are a thing of beauty! The way she merges them with smoke, cities and elements from nature creates compelling and thought provoking shots. Her subjects look off into the distance and appear to be deep in contemplation, making you wonder what is going on in their heads.

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The Magic and Wonder of Venice. Photos by pisanim1

When I hear Venice(Italy), these are the types of images that pop into my head. Flickr user pisanim1 perfectly captures the magic and wonder of one of the world's most beautiful cities. These photos really make me want to go there and get lost in the city.

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World’s Best Father by Dave Engledow

I am absolutely loving this humorous series by father and photographer Dave Engledow. With the help of his wife and adorable daughter Alice Bee, Dave portrays a clueless, sleep-deprived and unsafe father. Each photo features a "World's Best Father" mug, which adds another great element to the project. If you like this series, you can help back the upcoming World's Best Father 2013 Calendar on Kickstarter.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Cannes International Film Festival 1962

The Cannes International Film Festival is an annual film festival held in Cannes, France. Famous stars from around the world gather for the prestigious event. Here are a few shots of the glitz and glamour from a 1962 issue of LIFE magazine.

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The Spirit of Galatea by Ilse Moore

Designer Joel Janse van Vuuren and photographer Ilse Moore collaborated with model Elsa Bleda for this beautiful underwater series.

"This underwater shoot captures the essence of the Greek sea nymph legend and explores the beauty and movement of fashion below the surface." - Ilse Moore

If you like these you will also like Underwater Beauties by Zena Holloway and Behind the Surface by Nadia Moro.

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